This is the third time that Atice Portugal - a founding member since 1992 of Connect Europe (European Association of Telecommunications Operators) - has chaired a General Assembly of the Association. On November 7 and 8, Lisbon hosted one of the largest meetings in the telecommunications sector, bringing together the main network and digital service providers in Europe, which connect more than 270 million Europeans via the most advanced fixed and mobile networks.
This meeting takes place in a landmark year for Connect Europe (formerly ETNO), which has undergone a change of identity after 32 years and is now presenting itself with a new purpose and a new management team led by Managing Director Alessandro Gropelli.
The General Assembly, which took place on the 7th, approved the Association's 2025 Strategy, which aims to support the role of connectivity in creating a stronger European economy, as well as a safer, more resilient and sustainable continent. At a time when the new leaders of the European Commission and the European Parliament are discussing how to move their priorities forward, Connect Europe members advocate the following measures for the sector:
o Ensuring unprecedented investment in networks that reach all Europeans, through a fundamental review of the EU's regulatory framework, moving away from the current ex-ante regulation, reforming spectrum policy and drawing up a strong industrial policy for secure and sustainable connectivity.
o Making the most of the potential of the single telecoms market, achieving an appropriate scale in the sector and harmonizing the rules, so that we can offer the best services to all European citizens, innovating and developing cross-border synergies.
o Accelerating innovation in Europe by streamlining sectoral regulation, eliminating unnecessary rules, ensuring greater harmonization at EU level and guaranteeing fairness and a level playing field with other players in the Internet ecosystem.
Ana Figueiredo, CEO of Altice Portugal, underlined the "historic opportunity that Europe has to regain leadership in the connectivity ecosystem, but this will only be possible if there is a significant change in approach and mindset, which focuses on enabling innovation rather than adding layers of regulation that lead to fragmentation and hinder the sustainability of the sector. Connectivity and digital services are the foundations of our society, enabling us to grow and build a sustainable future. We are very pleased with the outcome of this meeting and the unity in the face of the challenges that lie ahead."
Alessandro Gropelli, Managing Director of Connect Europe, also made his message clear: "We are proud that Altice Portugal hosted the official launch of Connect Europe in Lisbon, which represents Europe's leading connectivity providers. We have taken on the role of ETNO and will work to represent the European telecommunications sector with ambition, at a time when connectivity is at the top of the political agenda as a tool for the competitiveness and resilience of our societies. Technological leadership is a key priority for the new European Commission and Connect Europe is ready to support it!"
The second day of the meeting was marked by a strategic workshop on the sector, which discussed topics such as digital innovation and socio-economic growth, how to make cities smarter or regulatory policies for innovative connectivity. These meetings featured several national and international speakers, including Ana Figueiredo, CEO of Altice Portugal, the Secretary of State for the Economy, João Rui Ferreira, Sandra Maximiano, President of Anacom and Steven Tas, Chairman of Connect Europe. The Minister for Infrastructure and Housing, Miguel Pinto Luz, closed the event.
About Altice Portugal
Altice Portugal is a founding member (1992, then Portugal Telecom), has always held a seat on its Executive Board, actively participates in its main working groups and has the honor of chairing its 2024 General Assembly.