After being voted the supplier with the highest satisfaction rating in 2023, MEO Energia entered 2024 with the aim of gaining even more ground with Portuguese consumers, continuing the path of constant innovation and differentiation in the business area that the MEO brand has been pursuing.
In this sense, once again anticipating the needs of the Portuguese and meeting their growing concern about climate change, MEO Energia is giving all those who have installed energy production solutions for self-consumption the opportunity to sell the energy that exceeds their needs. The benefit also extends to anyone thinking of installing panels. By opting for larger solutions, they can make the most of their investment.
The offer is aimed at families in mainland Portugal who, having installed photovoltaic panels, end up not consuming or making the most of all the kilowatts produced. Currently, a large part of this surplus is injected into the Public Service Electricity Grid (RESP) free of charge. Instead, MEO now undertakes to pay - if you are a MEO and MEO Energia customer - up to €0.08 for each kWh, €0.06 if you are a customer of only one service and €0.04 even if you are not a customer of these MEO services.
According to data from the Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG), by June 2023, the Portuguese had already installed around 150,000 UPACs (Self-Consumption Production Units), almost 99% of which are photovoltaic. As the number of homes with this type of unit installed has been growing at a rate of 100 per day, by the end of February the country will have surpassed 200,000 UPACs.
The renewable energy market is therefore booming across the country. However, in order for Portugal to meet the targets it has committed to on the road to carbon neutrality, the figures for installed power are still far below what is needed.
Decarbonization is an ambitious goal for MEO Energia. Reflecting the company's sustainability policy, a pillar of Altice Portugal's strategy, MEO Energia 's offer will boost the energy transition by encouraging more and more Portuguese to take up self-consumption, making it even more profitable. In addition, in a particularly fragile global context from a geostrategic and economic point of view, there is a need to safeguard the country's energy autonomy. MEO Energia 's aim with this new product is to contribute to this national goal.
MEO Energia 's offer is available to customers with installations with an injection power between 1kW and 10 kW and membership is available through the website MEO Energia also has a hotline available to help and clarify its customers, on 800 028 028.