Altice Foundation celebrates 20 years and launches strategy to bring the future closer to those who need it most | Altice Portugal

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Altice Foundation celebrates 20 years and launches strategy to bring the future closer to those who need it most

Altice Foundation celebrates 20 years and launches strategy to bring the future closer to those who need it most

Over the next five years, an investment of 20 million euros is planned in areas as diverse as knowledge, technology and art. The strategic objectives are: the integration of people with disabilities into society, accessibility to knowledge and the protection and development of the Altice Foundation's cultural and artistic heritage.

With a two-decade legacy full of milestones, the Altice Foundation, through innovative projects and solutions, has provided effective and sustainable responses to social and global problems.
Recognizing that technology has the noblest vocation of enhancing people's quality of life, the Foundation has worked in the areas of accessibility to communications, education, art, culture and support for social entrepreneurship. This multidisciplinary intervention makes it unique in Portugal.

Teleaula, with the aim of integrating students with educational needs, disabilities or long-term illness; Babycare, a system for monitoring babies in incubators or Audiozapping, which allows disabled people to access communication. Or Khan Academy or the Inclui Program, which allow children and young people to use accessibility solutions for digital technologies. These are just some of the projects and solutions that have been actively contributing to the intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth of society.

The Altice Foundation's intervention has been making a difference in the lives of thousands of Portuguese people. Since 2017, the figures are clear: more than 3.2 million beneficiaries and 4,600 entities have been impacted by the Foundation's work.

Bringing the future closer to those who need it most

Sustainability, in its social dimension, is closely linked to the genesis of the Altice Foundation. Actively contributing to the evolution of society, whether in terms of integration or equal opportunities, with transformative projects and solutions is the Altice Foundation's future goal.

A pioneering brand in the adaptation and adoption of technology, through the development of products and solutions, this aim is fulfilled in three areas: Technology, Knowledge and Art.

  • Technology - Working with technology as a solution for the integration of people with disabilities, with emphasis on the following projects: Programa Inclui, Comunicar em Segurança, Khan Academy, Plataforma Campus, MagicContact, LGP APP, Aplicação Hábil, Portal de mobilidade e serviços and Espaços Inclui -
  • Knowledge - Promoting research and innovation to develop technological solutions as a response to the problems identified within the Foundation, through studies and publications and the Consigo methodology - Systemic Change in Disability in Portugal.
  • Art - Promoting contemporary art and caring for Altice's artistic and cultural heritage through the Collection Space and the Art and Technology Space. -

Altice Foundation Contemporary Art Collection

Providing access to art and making it easy for everyone to understand has always been one of the pillars of the Altice Foundation. In this sense, since the promotion of national art is also part of the company's strategy, its Foundation has been putting together a Collection of Portuguese Contemporary Art since 1997. Its first collection space was inaugurated at the Fórum Picoas headquarters in Lisbon.

Consisting of around 200 works, the collection includes some of today's most important artists, with works dating from the 1960s onwards. Without thematic limits, the collection includes works of sculpture, painting, installation, drawing, video and engraving. With the aim of offering a comprehensive and questioning view of contemporary Portuguese art, the collection has been regularly presented in municipal museums, foundations and contemporary art centers in Portugal and Europe.

Collection Space

Art and Fórum Picoas have always gone hand in hand. Altice Portugal's headquarters is the setting for various works of art, designed and incorporated into the building itself, making it an inspiring space that invites creativity and allows people to connect and get involved.
With art as its strategic axis, the Altice Foundation's Contemporary Art Collection has its own home . Accessible to all, the Collection Space has now been created in the place of its headquarters, the Fórum Picoas, and is open to the public. The new collection space, recovered from an old cafeteria, hosts a permanent exhibition and an "emerging space" for the exhibition of works by non-established artists, promoting the support and recognition of new talent by the Altice Foundation.

Espaço Coleção opens with the exhibition "All the visible comes from the invisible". Works from the Altice Foundation's Contemporary Art Collection, with the title borrowed from the painting by Jorge Martins.

A new feature of this space is the Virtual Guide to the Altice Foundation Contemporary Art Collection, a unique solution on the market aimed at all audiences. The mobile app allows in-depth knowledge of the exhibition and the pieces on display, through a detailed description of each piece adapted to the public, whether adults, children, deaf people (LGP) or blind people (audio description and audio interpretation). The app can be installed from the Google Play store for Android and the App Store for iOS.

Curated by Adelaide Duarte, the exhibition features works by Alberto Carneiro, Álvaro Lapa, Ângelo de Sousa, Cabrita, Diogo Pimentão, Eduardo Batarda, Fernando Calhau, Fernando Conduto, Helena Almeida, Inês Botelho, João Vieira, Joaquim Bravo, Joaquim Rodrigo, Jorge Martins, Júlia Ventura, Mafalda Santos, Maria José Oliveira, Pedro Cabral Santo, Rita Barros and Rui Sanches.

The Future Ahead" multi-media campaign

The Altice Foundation is now positioning itself as a pioneering brand in the adoption of technology and innovation with the aim of making a difference in people's lives.

This positioning is materialized in the campaign with the claim "The Future Ahead", whose main challenge is to present the new identity of the Altice Foundation, where technology merges and exists in convergence with the more human side of people. This is the great purpose that makes it continue to research, create and develop state-of-the-art products and services. It is the balance of society and inclusion that give light to each day and each advance achieved.

It was under this assumption that a narrative of hope and an emotional campaign were born, where black and white contrast with the hints of color brought by the solutions developed and made available by the Altice Foundation. In the campaign, adversity is always shown at a disadvantage, with a counterpoint of perseverance and wanting more. This is the hope that brings a quality present and future to those who need it most.
All of this is summarized and aggregated in a signature that points to and sums up what drives us on a daily basis: "The Future Ahead". More than the past and the present, the Altice Foundation exists so that everyone can dream and realize the future they dream of, the future that is guaranteed to come.

The multi-media communication campaign will run on the usual media - TV, digital, press and billboards. Airing from March 22 to April 5, the campaign will consist of four films - an institutional film and three films dedicated to the Altice Foundation's accessibility solutions: the LGP app, Magic Contact and Teleaula.