meo christmas campaign two opinions the same emotion

MEO's Christmas campaign: two opinions, the same emotion

MEO's Christmas campaign: two opinions, the same emotion

It's time to remember the fundamental bases of humanity's existence and coexistence and it's under the claim "We all have the right to differences and that makes no difference", based on articles 18 and 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that MEO is launching a campaign focused on acceptance and the differences that make us unique and special beings.

As we reach the most introspective and emotional time of the year, MEO seeks to address this issue through simple messages, with the aim of reminding us that empathy and tolerance are indispensable for building a better - more humane - society.

João Epifânio, Chief Sales Officer B2C at Altice Portugal, stresses the importance of raising awareness of respect for human rights. "In a way, we're living through a crisis of values, in a world where intolerance is growing and with little respect for diversity. Freedom of thought, conscience, religion, expression and opinion are human rights, everyone's rights.

This is a campaign we're very proud of and we hope it stays in everyone's memory. Because this Christmas, differences bring us together and together we can change the future for the better."

We all have the right to be different, without it making a difference

Although it has never been easier in the history of mankind to enter into dialogue with anyone, anywhere in the world, we have never been so closed-minded about our own opinions. We live in a time when everything is the target of protests, everything is offensive, everything is polarizing.

The campaign portrays two children who defend their beliefs and end up moving the masses, giving rise to two movements that quickly become global, gaining an inordinate scale and dimension of research and argumentation, for and against each of their positions. We see speeches, crowds in the streets, TV debates, newspaper and magazine covers, and protests in shopping malls. Scientists make calculations, commentators give their opinions and influencers invade social networks.

But Christmas pushes us to be more human, to open our hearts to other ways of thinking, realizing that we all have the right to be different, without it making a difference.

With an arrangement based on a Christmas classic composed over 100 years ago by Ukrainian composer Mykola Leontovych, MEO recalls freedom of expression as a fundamental value for all of us.

The campaign will run on TV, radio, outdoor networks, press, digital media and at the point of sale from tomorrow, December 1st.

Technical sheet

Director - Pedro Varela
Assistant Director - Cesário Monteiro
Executive Producer - Pedro Oliveira
Production Director - Sandra Alves
Director of Photography - Pedro Varela
Photography - On Shot
Photographer -Rui de Carvalho
Post-Production - White
Sound Studio - Ameba
Sound design - Victor Magalhães


CEO - Tomás Froes
CFO - Lourenço Thomaz
Executive creative director - Ivo Purvis
Strategy - Patrick Stiwell
Account Director - Carla Vidal Marques
Contact - Rita Morgado and Karoline Clemente
Art Director - João Mescas
Copy - Diogo Stiwell
Producer - Martim Lemos