Alexandre Fonseca elected President of the General Assembly of the Business Council for Sustainable Development Portugal

Alexandre Fonseca elected President of the General Assembly of the Business Council for Sustainable Development Portugal

Alexandre Fonseca elected President of the General Assembly of the Business Council for Sustainable Development Portugal

The Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD Portugal) is a non-profit association that brings together more than 130 leading companies in Portugal with an active commitment to sustainability. The turnover of its members represents around 10% of the country's GDP, which highlights the importance of the impact of its sustainability initiatives on society and the environment. BCSD Portugal is also a member of the Global Network of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, the largest international business organization working in the field of sustainable development.  

Alexandre Fonseca now leads the BCSD's governing bodies, as Chairman of the General Assembly, alongside António Pires de Lima, CEO of Brisa and Chairman of the BSCD's Board and Manuel Mota, Partner at Ernst & Young and Chairman of the BSCD's Supervisory Board. "The main priority in the area of Sustainability over the next decade will be to move on from raising awareness to implementing projects and business models. This duty to "act" requires the involvement of society, governments and companies. 

The three ESG pillars must be seen as catalysts for a social transformation that runs parallel to the digital transformation, both of which are essential for a stronger country and a better world," says Alexandre Fonseca. In this context, Altice Portugal's strategy has been marked by several initiatives: the ISO14001:2015 international certification (Environmental Management Systems) in all business areas; adherence to the "Business Ambition for 1.5ºC" in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement; adherence to the first edition of the Climate Ambition Accelerator - the United Nations Global Compact program that supports companies around the world in defining policies towards zero emissions and the signing of Act4Nature in the area of biodiversity conservation.  

Alexandre Fonseca will be Chairman of the Board of Directors of Altice Portugal and Co-CEO of Altice Europe as of April 2nd. He is a member of several industry associations, including APDC - Associação para o Desenvolvimento das Comunicações (Association for the Development of Communications) and APDSI - Associação para a Promoção e Desenvolvimento da Sociedade da Informação (Association for the Promotion and Development of the Information Society).