Create report - Register your report
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Do you want to identify yourself?
In order to receive a summary of your complaint and the status of the case by email, you must fill in the email address field. If you don't want to fill in this field, you can check the status of the case using the code that will be assigned to you.
Has this already happened?
Is this still happening?
Are there any witnesses?
Identify the witnesses
Describe complaint
Degree of certainty about the fact you are reporting
Document(s) proving the complaint
Join one document in pdf format up to 10MB or several documents in zip / rar format up to 10MB
MEO SGPS, S.A. is the entity responsible for processing User data collected through the reporting channel, which will be processed in accordance with the terms of the Reporting Channel Privacy Policy. By submitting the complaint form, you declare that you are aware of the conditions for processing your personal data.